An Honest Look At The Pros And Cons Of First Date Ideas

  • It’s a good way to get to know a person (and if conversation sucks, you can just talk about the menu, or about an uglier couple sitting a few tables down).
  • Restaurants offer alcoholic beverages — which can be a good backup plan if things go to crazy.
  • Even if the date doesn’t go well, at least you ate at a nice restaurant.
  • She might have a bogus food allergy — or worse, is vegan.
  • With just a few drinks, the bill’s total can be ridiculously expensive.
  • She may order the most expensive menu item and beverage, revealing her true intentions.
  • Your waitress may make the assumption that you two are already dating, ultimately making for a super awkward conversation because the server is digging too deep for a tip.
  • If the date was a dud, at least you got to see a movie (hopefully one you wanted to see anyway).
  • You don’t have to do much, so there aren’t many ways to screw things up.
  • You might have to watch a movie of her choosing (which, a good 90% of the time stars Katherine Heigl or Hugh Grant, who are the absolute worst).
  • You’ll leave the date without knowing much (or anything) about the stranger whose movie ticket you just paid for.
  • The concession stand is a glorified money pit under neon lights.
  • You sit near that dude who likes to shout his film predictions during each scene.
The idea: You grab a hot caffeinated beverage and get to know each other better. Easy-peasy.


  • It’s super cheap.
  • It’s non-committal. You don’t have to stay long. Maybe an hour — two, tops.
  • Probably offers WiFi, so you can swipe on Tinder if your date isn’t going well.


  • It’s totally reliant on conversation. So if she’s a dud, best of luck, dude.
  • The coffee shop could be packed, making conversation (or finding a seat) impossible.
  • She could be one of those horrendous people whose coffee order sounds like an essay in the New Yorker.
Walk On The Beach
The idea: The drive-in is more unique than a trip to the movies, and it’s kind of retro. Hopefully she’ll appreciate that. Plus, you won’t have to sit beside a total stranger who stole your arm rest.


  • You’re guaranteed to get some action: a handy, at the very least.
  • You get two or three films for the price of one.
  • You can easily ditch the concession stand and bring your own food.
  • If she’s up for hiding, you only have to pay for yourself (kind of joking with this one, but kind of not).
  • The screens are usually a shitty quality, so you’re essentially hearing — not watching — the movie
  • If an SUV or larger size vehicle pulls in front of you, you aren’t seeing shit.
  • If somebody at the same screen is an idiot and turns on their headlights, the film’s already hindered quality is completely ruined
  • You’re taking her to a goddamn concert, she’s going to love you already.
  • Live music is great no matter who you’re with.
  • If a love song comes on and you throw your arm around her, you’re golden.
  • You can’t hear shit. So you guys won’t be talking.
  • Depending on who you’re seeing (a local punk band or Paul McCartney), you could be spending your rent money on said date.
Grab a Drink
  • Like coffee, going for drinks is non-committal.
  • Alcohol will make conversation easier.
  • You might go overboard with your libations and make an ass out of yourself.
  • You’ll bring up something you shouldn’t — an ex, an affinity for Power Rangers paraphernalia, etc.
  • You drink too much and offer her a ride home, which she’ll find irresponsible.
Go Dancing
  • Even if you can’t dance, a woman likes a man who attempts to put himself out there.
  • It’s a bold idea — shows her you’ve got balls.
  • Dancing? Dude, you can’t dance, what are you doing?
  • She might be a piss-poor dancer as well.
  • The music could be awful.
  • The whole date could just be an awkward mess of limbs.
  • You know what, don’t do this as a first date. It’s a bad idea.

Related: First Date Thoughts: Hers Versus His

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