Jessica Simpson is here to save the world

Jessica Simpson has revealed that Angelina Jolie has inspired her to help ‘save the world’. (Simpson) said she wants to follow the sexy actress by doing missionary work, visiting Third World countries and adopting children. In an interview with OK! magazine, Jessica told how meeting gorgeous Angelina Jolie left her with “an incredible peace.”

I have this whole plan to save the world,” Jessica said, “Angelina is one of my biggest role models. I got to interview her recently. She was breathtaking.”

Jessica Simpson tried to interview me one time, but I just stared at her chest, and whenever she asked me a question, I would just bark out “No speaka English”. Every once in a while I would say “unicorn” or something with a thick made up accent and she would get excited and start talking about unicorns while I stared at her chest some more.

We went on like that for 13 hours.

Thanks to Zangelbert Bingledack for the link. Although, I gotta be honest, I think that might be a fake name.

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