Amanda Bynes Was Dropped By Everyone

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Much like a Republican running for a Senate seat in a swing state, Amanda Bynes‘ entire team has jumped ship, leaving the actress/stunt car driver to sink to the bottom of Crazy Ocean by herself. TMZ reports:

Amanda Bynes’ management team is abandoning ship — her agent, publicist and entertainment lawyer have all dropped the actress as a client in the past couple of weeks … TMZ has learned. Sources connected to Bynes tell us … all 3 people are telling similar stories –– Bynes was a dream client for years … but she became extremely difficult in the past 12 months, some say uncontrollable. One source tells us the management team hasn’t been able to get in touch with Bynes for the past month — no phone calls, no visits, nada. According to one source, all 3 members of the team made multiple efforts to help Amanda before she went radio silent — but Bynes was not receptive.

When the person you’re associated with or the person you work for starts saying and doing insane things on camera then defends those insane things and thinks they don’t have a problem, it might be time to cut all ties with that person for the sake of your own career. I mean, we wouldn’t want the unemployment rate to get any higher would we?