If you’ve never seen Mr. Robot or Buster’s Mal Heart, I suggest you do so before we all die. Rami Malek is legit incredible and both of the things I just linked are mind fucks. Now he’s gonna play probably the greatest frontman of all time, Freddie Mercury. As you can see, he definitely looks the part.
The Mr. Robot star is preparing to play Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody (out Dec. 25, 2018), the Bryan Singer-directed film that chronicles Queen from 1970, when Mercury teamed with Brian May and Roger Taylor, until the band’s performance at Live Aid in 1985, six years before the singer died of complications from AIDS.
Awesome, can’t wait to see Rami Malek look exactly like Freddie Mercury while Freddie Mercury’s voice comes out of his mouth.
Parts of the movie that feature singing will utilize either Malek’s own voice or recordings of Mercury, with a sound alike filling in the gaps.“We’re going to use Freddie as much as possible and use myself as much as possible,” Malek says.“I’m in Abbey Road [Studios] right now if that should say anything to you. I’m not working on my acting.”
Oh, God. Dear God no. No. Play us out, Freddie.
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #1
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #2
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #3
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #4
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #5
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #6
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #7
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #8
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)
Freddie Mercury Rami Malek #9
NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 16: Rami Malek is seen filming 'Mr. Robot' on August 16, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Alessio Botticelli/GC Images)