Roger Ebert Memorial Planned

For many filmgoers, his thumbs up determined whether or not they were going to see a movie. Now a non-profit group in Champaign, Illinois is trying to raise $122,500 to build a memorial to Roger Ebert.

The planned statue, seen above in miniature plaster form, would sit outside the Virginia Theatre in Champaign, according to Crave’s CinemaBlend. Ebert died April 4 after battling cancer.

The group’s goal is have it complete by Ebertfest 2014 in April … if they raise the funds.

The Ebert Foundation, run by the writer’s wife, has announced they will match up to $25,000 in donations. If you want to give even a little bit of money to memorialize Ebert and his place in film, click on over to the project’s website.

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