10 Facebook Look Back Parodies

Earlier this month, Facebook gave us all a strange, early Valentine’s Day gift to let us know they care (about storing and exploiting our data), called “A Look Back” – a personalized video created with our status updates and photos. The internet decided to give Facebook a gift of its own: 10 Facebook Look Back parodies…


Facebook Look Back – Water White

“Blue Sky” is also Walter’s nickname for Facebook.


Facebook Look Back – Bruce Jenner

Becoming a woman on Facebook is as easy as changing your settings. In real life, not so much.


Facebook Look Back – Rob Ford

He also started the “I’m on crack and I’m a f***ing mayor” group.


Facebook Look Back – An Honest Look Back

There are sidebar ads on Facebook??


Facebook Look Back – Kanye West

Kanye, I’m-a let you finish, but Walter White had the best Facebook Look Back of all-time.


Facebook Look Back – Vladimir Putin

If you like shirtless dudes on horseback, you’re gonna want to be friends with Vlad.


Facebook Look Back – Justin Bieber

We’ve watched him grow-up from a cute kid into a sleazy kid-looking dude.


Facebook Look Back – Maddox (“You Are Numbers”)

This brought back wistful memories of Kony.


Facebook Look Back – Humans

Oh man… we’re the worst.


Facebook Look Back – Privacy

Oh, right, I hate Facebook. Forgot for a moment there.


Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.