The Criterion Collection Review | Paris Belongs to Us An awesome precursor to the French New Wave, polished up by The Criterion Collection.
SoundTreks | Transformers: The Movie Let's celebrate the Transformers phenomenon by listening to that weird-ass 1986 movie soundtrack.
MIT’s Donald Trump Twitter-Bot Sounds a Lot Like the Real Thing Trump's speech patterns have been recreated by a thinking AI computer. Now it's tweeting.
Banksy May Have Been Identified Using Science A London science professor and a Teaxs criminologist may have nailed the elusive street artist using geographic profiling.
The Hubble Telescope Breaks its Own Distance Record NASA manages to peer 13.4 billion years into the past.
A New High-Tech Chair Converts Fidgeting into Electricity Good news for sufferers of Restless Leg Syndrome.
Witness the Amazing 2000-Marble Musical Instrument! A Swedish musician constructed an amazing new playable musical artwork.
What We Search For When We Search For Porn Pornhub, the single largest adult website in the world, released a study of their most searched-for terms, divided by state.
Virtual Reality to Be Used to Cure Heroin Addiction A new "heroin cave" program is designed reduce cravings and enhance role-playing therapy.