Exclusive Preview | ‘Uncanny Avengers’ # 24

The Secret Empire has been coming for a long time within the pages of Uncanny Avengers. Steve Rogers was a member of the Unity Squad when his youth and powers were restored, and that’s where the problems began. Restored Steve was secretly transformed into a loyal follower of Hydra, and he’s finally made his move to seize power.

It could have been worse. If Rogue hadn’t destroyed the piece of Charles Xavier’s brain, then Hydra Cap could have found a way to use it as a weapon against the heroes and the general population. However, that didn’t stop Hydra Cap from carrying out his ultimate agenda.

During Secret Empire #0, the Unity Squad were among the heroes who were trapped in Manhattan during the initial attack by Hydra. Unfortunately for the heroes, they’re now trapped inside the Darkforce dimension. In our exclusive preview for Uncanny Avengers # 24, Rogue, Wasp, Human Torch, Brother Voodoo, Quicksilver, and Synapse realize that they’ve been played.

Also: Exclusive Preview | Secret Empire: Brave New World # 1

This issue marks the debut of the new creative team: writer Jim Zub and artist Kim Jacinto, with colors by Tamra Bonvillain and a cover by R.B. Silva. Here’s the official description from Marvel.

Tricked by Hydra, trapped in a prison they never anticipated, the Uncanny Avengers have a cunning escape plan…but it might just make things even worse!

Uncanny Avengers # 24 will be released on Wednesday, June 14th in comic book stores everywhere.

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Photo Credits: All images provided by Marvel Comics. 

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