Yeah, So Daryl Hannah Got Arrested. At The White House.

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Actress Daryl Hannah was one of the 500 people arrested today at the Keystone XL Pipeline protest at the White House. TMZ reports:

Daryl Hannah donned a familiar accessory outside the White House today — HANDCUFFS — after she was arrested during an oil pipeline protest. The actress-turned-activist was busted with several other protesters — when they sat on the sidewalk in front of the White House and ignored three requests by police to move. Daryl’s an old pro when it comes to getting arrested — saying, ” Sometimes it’s necessary to sacrifice your freedom for a greater freedom. And we want to be free from the horrible death and destruction that fossil fuels cause, and have a clean energy future.” Hannah was famously arrested after she stopped traffic in West Virginia in 2009 — blocking a busy street during a protest over mining practice.

Keystone XL Pipeline? What is that? Some kind of new beer? To be honest I didn’t read this.


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