Scott Weiland Overdosed On Pretty Much Everything

Not that anybody needs to tell you this, but Scott Weiland died of an overdose.  His toxicology report had more hits than his last band.

Toxicology testing shows Scott Weiland died from an overdose of several drugs and alcohol — and his history of addiction also played a role. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner says the results show he OD’d on cocaine, MDA … which is old school Ecstasy … and booze. It also shows heart disease and asthma were “significant” conditions. The test results also revealed Scott’s “multi-substance dependence” was a factor. As we first reported … police also found Xanax, sleeping pills, Viagra, and meds to treat bipolar disorder on the bus — but those drugs did not play a factor in his death.

I just checked my calendar, and it’s not  Let’s Feel Sorry For The Unrepentant Drug Addict Day, because he died doing what he loved: taking drugs in between ruining bands. If he truly wanted help, he had the resources to do so, unlike people who are rotting in prison instead of rehab. Happy Monday, everyone! We started this day great, huh?

You’d think somebody would have pulled him aside during this video shoot. Even heroin thought he looked bad here:


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