10 Unstoppable Movie One-Liners You Should Use in Real Life

Movie characters mess up their fictional lives all the time, but one thing they never fumble for is the perfect one-liner. We, on the other hand, are real, fallible humans, and our tongues often get tied. Somebody says something snotty to you and you know you could have the perfect comeback if you just had a few moments to think. Or you just did something unbelievably cool that can only be punctuated by a quick quip that cements your reputation as a badass. When the moment arrives, unfortunately, you are at a loss for words. You mumble something unintelligible, apologize too many times, and walk away as awkwardly as possible. This all could have been avoided had you read our list of the 10 top movie quotes you can use in real life.

Photo Credit: Miramax Pictures

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