10 Movie Reboots That Outshined Their Original

Reboots are a dime a dozen. Seriously, throw a rock out your car window going 80 on the interstate and you’ll probably hit one. And we’re not even talking about the endless parade of revivals crowding onto the small screen. We’re talking movie mulligans. The controversial entertainment category that’s become a bankable trend ever since Ocean’s 11 accidentally spawned a billion-dollar franchise (with no end in sight).

In fact, there have been over 100 movie reboots (and counting) since Brad Pitt, hoovering a cheeseburger, picked George Clooney up from prison. From the rise of Batman to the obscure resurrection of Free Willy, we’ve seen our fair share of cinematic redos. And while it’s true that most reboots have left us scratching our heads and contemplating a refund from the time lord, there are a few occasions when they’ve succeeded beyond our wildest expectations.

It’s also true what they say: Dig enough holes and you’re bound to strike gold. So grab a shovel and strap in for ten movie reboots no one asked for that thankfully outshined their original.

Cover Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

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