Indestructible Hulk #16: The Cure Is Gum


After the events that went down in Uncanny Avengers #14, it seems odd to think about the most recent issue of Indestructible Hulk. Plastered across the top of this issue is the term Inhumanity, tying Hulk into the next event about to hit the Marvel Universe. If you are hoping the scratches and grooves that will ultimately make up Inhumanity is outlined in this issue of Hulk, think again. I’m going to assume Indestructible Hulk #16 is a set up issue.

Writer Mark Waid is aiming this tale at a lab assistant named Jessup. Apparently, this young man will give his life to save humanity, so Waid needs to hurry up and make us care about him. Hulk #16 opens with Banner “negotiating” more money for his scientific endeavors. After that, Waid attempts to inject humor with a series of scenes involving Bruce Banner on the cusp of inventing something, only to be outdone by Tony Stark or Reed Richards. Keeping Banner’s spirits high, is Jessup, who uses gum to control a Hulk out.

Allow me to repeat that.

Banner loses his cool and begins to Hulk out. Jessup hands him gum and instructs Banner how to chew it. Said gum then calms the Hulk down. Apparently, the key to Hulk’s temper all these years was in the hands of Wrigley. After calming down, Hulk decides he’s going to investigate the “strange energy surge” that SHIELD is keeping him from seeing. What follows is a rather lackluster adventure, one that involves Harry Potter-like invisible cloaks. During all of this, we are given flashbacks into Jessup’s unfortunate past.

While I’m sure Waid has bigger plans for Jessup, this issue is indicative of the recent Hulk problems. Since Greg Pak left, Hulk has floundered.  Sure, there have been some exciting upswings, but they always fall flat. Jason Aaron’s run was abysmal, as close to getting me to quit Hulk as I’ve ever been. Waid’s run has been better, but inconsistent. There is no direction for Hulk, no point. I’m also really over Banner acting like a douchebag, it doesn’t jive with the character. Personally, I think Hulk needs a break. Step back, give it a year with him only on team books. Let Marvel really work to give the strongest there is a new direction. When Hulk returns, give him to somebody who can write outside the box. The big guy deserves that.

The art from Mahmud Asrar is atrocious. It fails on every single level. Proportions, character faces, shading, backgrounds, action, everything. Imagine a badly drawn episode of Pokemon, and you might get close to the horror show here.

(2 Story, 0 Art)


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