Star Wars Celebration To Host Debut Of Star Wars Battlefront

EA and DICE have confirmed that the Star Wars Celebration, which is taking place in Anaheim, CA from April 16th to the 19th, will also be the host of a full debut of Star Wars Battlefront, a game that’s been ever-present in the mind of many a gamer for a long, long time. Until then, (re)watch the E3 2014 video that got everyone’s blood pumping for the next title in this awesome franchise:

With a little less than a month before we finally and hopefully see some gameplay, we need as much Star Wars-y content as possible to avoid going insane with Battlefront frenzy. 

I must say, that PC copy of Battlefront 2 on my desk is looking pretty tempting…might have to give it a go to tide me over.

Thanks to Crave’s Game Revolution for the update on the upcoming Star Wars Celebration.


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