So yeah, here’s Katherine Webb without makeup. Damn. She says on Instagram:
Feeling confident enough today to post this, finally. I have quite a few imperfections too! Grew up feeling insecure and self-conscious about my skin and the white patches that cover half my body, but I don’t care what people think anymore. I just had to get really good at doing makeup. “That’s why I began doing makeup in the first place: I was hoping that through helping people see the beauty in themselves, I could try and find it in me.” -Kevin Aucoin (celebrity makeup artist)
If you were waiting for me to say she looks bad, sorry. She looks fantastic. More of this please. Look, I understand the importance of makeup for women since they are unfortunately judged by their looks (yes, I just typed that), and I’m not saying makeup is bad, but a woman should wear and do whatever makes her feel the most beautiful. I can tell you you’re beautiful all day, but if you don’t believe it, the words won’t matter. And yes, it is kinda brave for a woman to post a pic like this, because men and women are always ready to project their insecurities onto to you. On the other hand, and I’m not speaking for all men here, but the more makeup you wear the more scared I’ll be of what’s underneath. Sure, you look hot in a club and we’ll take you home, but this picture is what we want to wake up to. Then have morning sex. Twice. Then again in the shower. And don’t worry about the sandwich. You just lie back and relax. The waffles will be ready in a minute.