Terrorists Attacked An Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester Last Night


So far, 22 people have died (including an eight-year-old girl) and 59 people have been wounded (among them are 12 children under the age of 16) after a man entered Manchester Arena following Ariana Grande‘s concert and blew himself up with a nail bomb. You might want to sit down for this, because I know it might be shocking to learn, but the man was a Muslim. I for sure thought for a minute there he might be Mormon or Buddhist. You never know with these kind of attacks.

A powerful explosion shook part of the cavernous Manchester Arena late Monday as concertgoers streamed out following the American pop star’s last song. An 8-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman have been named as the first victims killed. Police said they believed a man carrying explosives acted as a lone attacker and died in the blast, and that they are now trying to determine if he may have been part of a wider network. A 23-year-old man was arrested Tuesday in south Manchester in connection with the bombing.
I know what my fellow liberals might be thinking right now during this time of tragedy: “Oh yeah? But what about white people?!”. You’re right. Maybe somebody should go to talk to some of the victims and some people in Syria and some people in refugee camps and tell them that Richard Spencer is their true enemy. They’ll probably be so grateful to you for explaining to this to them. I vote for Shaun King. But we all know that liberal’s reactions to terrorist attacks are the GOP version of school shootings. We’ll offer up thoughts and prayers and not much else, while tripping over ourselves not to offend anyone.


So, terrorists targeted an arena full of children, teenage girls and women for the simple fact they had the audacity to enjoy a concert put on by a female perform who inspires them. What’s your plan for that? Tell people they shouldn’t point out that a religious ideology can easily corrupt their followers or the follower who haven’t been corrupted yet might strap on a nail bomb vest themselves? Fuck yourself. Also, the irony of you warning me not to paint Muslims with a broad brush or they all might get radicalized then still believing Trump won because Russia sent out some emails shouldn’t be lost on you.



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