New Year's Eve
Friends dancing and drinking champagne at a new year's party.

The Top 20 Things You’ll Drunkenly Promise to Do Differently in 2020 This New Year’s Eve (But Will Forget By Morning)

What is it, amateur hour? Might as well be with the way you’re going to send off 2019. It’s not the fact that your entire New Year’s Eve plan is to get dead drunk, but that part of your brain will be inactive for most of the night. And while your brain is on hiatus, drunk you will blather on about the big changes you have in store for 2020. This overhaul sounds pretty promising to everyone you know. Unfortunately, you’ll wake up New Year’s Day and have zero recollection of anything you swore to do. Don’t worry, we’re one step ahead of you. Keep reading to discover the top 20 things you’ll drunkenly promise to do differently in 2020, but will forget by morning.

Photo: filadendron (Getty Images)

Honest Timeline: The Single Guy Swinging Into His New Year’s Eve Party (Or Lack Thereof)

Give it up already: No Resolution Is The New Resolution

What kind of drunken promises will you make about changing your life in 2020? Let us know what you’ll avoid when you sober up in the comments!

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