Ryan Gosling Adopted Baby Facebook Hoax Fools a Lot of People

A post from a Facebook user pretending to be Ryan Gosling has duped nearly 1 million people, with a completely false story of how the Drive actor became a “father for one year.”

The post was ‘Liked’ an obscene amount of times, despite the page that posted it boasting just 100,000 likes. It was also accompanied by the below image of Gosling holding his “adopted child,” an image which led to comments such as “My ovaries just exploded. xD,” “just when i think i couldnt love you more!!! xx” and “Great, now I’m gay.”

The post made by the Ryan Gosling impostor was as follows: “This father’s day, I’ve decided to tell the story of how I became a father. This little guy was only 9 months old when I became his dad.

“His mom and I were great friends before she passed away from cancer. I promised her, I’d always look after him. So, I had decided to step up and become his dad. He brought me so much joy. He was my everything. 1 year later after the adoption, his biological father wanted him. Of course, I put up a fight, but he won. That 1 year of being his father taught me how to love unconditionally.

“We have to stop and be thankful for our children and children should stop and be thankful for their parents. What I truly learned most of all is, every child needs love.”

The post also included a link to an online t-shirt store, just in case it wasn’t obvious enough that this was a hoax. Oh, Internet, you can be very silly sometimes.


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