Can Men Just Go Ahead and Try a Quiche Recipe?

It’s an old cliche that limits a guy’s diet every so slitghtly: “Real men don’t eat quiche.” But, is it time to figure out if that still holds? Are you comfortable enough in your masculinity to find out right here, right now?

I say let’s go for it with this simple Spinach Quiche recipe:


  • Two lbs fresh spinach.
  • Chopped onions
  • Three eggs
  • Half cup Half and Half
  • One tsp salt
  • One tsp pepper
  • One tsp garlic poder
  • ​Three cups medium cheddar
  • One prepared pie crust

(Place crust into nine inch pie plate, pressing firmly against bottom and sides. Trim overhanging edge of pastry one inch from rim of plate. Fold and roll pastry under even with plate.)

Related: Recipe – Try Salmon as a Grilling Alternative

Preparation: Press excess water from spinach; pat dry with paper towels. Arrange spinach in bottom of pastry lined pie plate. Sprinkle with onions. Beat eggs, Half and Half, salt, pepper and garlic slightly. Add cheese by the cupful and gently stir after each addition. Pour over spinach.

Bake at 350 degrees until golden and knife inverted in center comes out clean (40 to 45 minutes).

Makes six butch servings.


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