If there’s a Simpsons quote for every occasion, the one for the 2016 Presidential election is this: “It’s true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about it? It’s a two-party system! You have to vote for one of us.” Oh, it’s true. Either Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton are going to be the next President of the United States. As for Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, the low-polling third-party candidates and potential spoilers, there’s a quote for them too: “Go ahead, throw your vote away!”
Earlier this year, The Simpsons made their choice to support Clinton, although Homer was initially in the bag for the Donald. But in the newly released short from Fox, Homer is totally against the man with the orange skin who likes his daughter too much. Unfortunately for Homer, a certain foreign power is flexing his influence on the election, and he doesn’t even need a hacker. Yes, that is Vladimir Putin riding roughshod over what passes for our democracy.
Related: ‘The Simpsons’ Weigh in on The 2016 Presidential Race
Of course, it’s widely believed that Russia really is using its state sponsored hackers to supply Wikileaks with a treasure trove of embarrassing e-mails. It’s almost as if he wants the guy who constantly praises him to be President. But as damaging as that has been for Clinton, Trump has had plenty of self-inflicted wounds over the last few weeks. And the election is only going to get uglier before it’s over. Enjoy, America!
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