My “Let’s Be Cops” Experiment

I was fortunate enough to get an invitation from mophie to attend the red carpet premier for the film “Let’s Be Cops.” More importantly, I was presented with the opportunity to experience what it was like to be a cop. I was up to the challenge.

First stop? Where else would it be? A donut shop. Everyone knows cops love donuts. Who doesn’t like donuts? Criminals and people who aren’t patriotic, that’s who. So after a trip to a local donut shop — where I had the breakfast of champions — I was off to the heart of the cop experience.

To get a glimpse into what being a cop is like, you have to go to someone who has mastered their craft. You can’t go to a Podunk town and talk to just some fat slob with a badge who does nothing more than watch high school football practice and chase kids who vandalize shopping carts. No, my friends, you need a mentor who is the ‘real deal.’ Someone who has been in the ‘thick,’ and by God, that’s what I got.

My journey lead me to International Tactical Training in Los Angeles where 30 year LAPD veteran, Scott Reitz, showed me the ropes. Reitz, known as ‘Uncle Scotty’, the author of The Art of Modern Gunfighting also, spent 10 years in SWAT, so that essentially makes him the epitome of a badass.

This training facility was in the middle of nowhere; cell phone reception was non existent. It was already beginning to feel like a secret mission, the perfect setting for what followed. Before a tactical training lesson equipped with high powered and impressive weapons, Reitz opened up about his career and the life of a cop. 

Uncle Scotty told us about some of the high profile cases he worked, some comical moments catching the perp redhanded, his gun expertise, as well as some of the stars he has trained, and even his love for the film “The French Connection” and Steve McQueen’s “Bullitt.”

When we started to discuss “Let’s Be Cops,” Reitz wanted to make it clear that the job isn’t like Hollywood portrays and often times can be very boring and filled with tons of paperwork. I think I’ll decide that, Uncle Scotty.


Reitz laid these astonishing guns out on a table for display, which was utterly mind blowing and at the same time nerve racking. I had only seen weapons like these in video games and Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. But I was in good hands.

Before I could get my hands on a gun, Uncle Scotty reiterated safety. C’mon, I’ve seen a few Bruce Willis movies in my day so  I wasn’t the typical apprentice. Plus, he didn’t seem to mind my Los Pollos Hermanos shirt I was wearing either. Who else can wear a ‘pro meth’ shirt and shoot guns with cops? Nobody.

Related: “Let’s Be Cops”: Exclusive ‘Super Illegal’ Clip

We shot handguns, shotguns, sniper rifles and more I couldn’t even name. I was living every man’s dream. Some were challenging and some weren’t. The handguns? Psst. In the words of Outkast, “Ain’t No Thang.” I dominated, even winning a tournament with other members of the training class.

But the shotguns and rifles were far more intimidating. After some work, and a hell of a lot of fun, I improved. Using scopes to hit a mountain, watching a puff of dirt fill the sky after a bullet hit, nailing the shooting target (most of the time). It was pretty difficult to not feel like an action hero in my mind.

After an action packed day of shooting guns and pretending to be a cop, you can definitely see why the two main characters (played by Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr,) in “Let’s Be Cops” would want to impersonate cops and get drunk off of that feeling. It’s intoxicating, as brief as it may be. 

The action was great but a red carpet Hollywood premier awaited. 

After seeing the trailer for the film, I knew this buddy-cop duo had to deliver. My expectations were high and my curiosity ran deep.

With a slew of weak summer films, we need a legitimately hilarious comedy to deliver the goods. My hopes were high. However, the film was not the only thing that I was psyched about. This would be my first red carpet premier and I was nothing short of amped. I may not be Perez Hilton — thank God for that — but I was going to make the most of it.

One by one, I watched stars walk into the theater. Stars such as Nina Dobrev, Wilmer Valderrama… Remember that guy? He’s dated everyone… Natasha Leggero, Craig Robinson, Damon Wayans Jr., Jake Johnson and many more were there to get a look at this summer comedy. Before heading to my seat in the theater, I had to walk the lobby and see which celeb I could casually talk to as if I belonged. Craig Robinson, Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson were all subjects of one or two liners and some photos for my social media problem.

With my phone and mophie in hand, it wasn’t long before my mission was accomplished.

As for “Let’s Be Cops,” it did not disappoint. The film was hilarious and delivered the best comedic cop duo since Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in “Bad Boys.” This scene in particular had my side hurting with laughter.

After the credits rolled, I couldn’t help but reflect on my cop experience for the day. Being a cop can be attractive. Sure, donuts and guns are awesome. Those are undeniable facts. But the film can also show the cons of such a gig.

I think I am pretty content with my cop experience for a day. I think I’ll stick with my current gig.

I can always pretend though.




Special thanks to mophie and International Tactical Training.

mophie space pack is the world’s first battery case with local built-in storage made for iPhone 5s/5. It’s available in 16 GB & 32 GB and helped make this piece possible.


Joshua Caudill is a writer for CraveOnline Sports, a surfing enthusiast, an unhealthy sports fanatic, and an expert on all things Patrick Swayze. You can follow him on Twitter @JoshuaCaudill85 or “like”CraveOnline Sports on Facebook.

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