Samuel L. Jackson Hilariously Recaps ‘Game of Thrones’

Samuel L. Jackson exists in all of the universes. Marvel, Star Wars, and we’re pretty sure that if you really looked for him in Westeros then you’d find a very familiar looking face with one or more eyes looking back at you. In the real world, Jackson has made no secret of his love for the genre, so of course he’s a big Game of Thrones fan.

Today, HBO and iTunes released a new video featuring Jackson recapping the first few seasons of Game of Thrones for the uninitiated. Think of it as Game of Thrones for beginners. The series may be one of the most popular shows that HBO has ever had, but there are still people who don’t know the joys of A Song of Ice and Fire. Winter ain’t comin’, bitches, it’s here!

Fair warning, this is the uncensored version of the recap video. That means that Jackson gets to drop as many F-bombs as he likes, and he does! Don’t pretend that’s not what you wanted to hear. He’s Sam Jackson! Of course, he’s gonna swear. And if you do happen to be a newbie, there are spoilers ahead for the first five seasons of the show, but the revelations from the sixth season are only slightly teased.

Related: ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 May Be Delayed

The first five seasons of Game of Thrones are currently on iTunes, and it’s likely to be about nine months or so before the sixth season hits iTunes and home video. Unfortunately, the seventh season may be delayed, so it may be quite a while before anyone gets to see a new episode. But now, we want Jackson to do a recap every week!

What did you think about Jackson’s new GoT video? Declare yourselves in the comment section below!

Photo Credit: HBO