Photo: Facebook
I know Australia is beautiful, I really do. But why in the hell is it filled with so many nightmares? And how in the hell do people live there without losing their mind? Do you need an example? You asked for it.
The video below, filmed by Auswise Pest Control during a termite inspection on someone’s roof, shows a huntsman spider’s egg sac completely erupting, releasing a bunch of baby spiders. This will make your skin crawl. But it doesn’t end there, as the end of the video also shows a terrifying surprise.
Check it out below.
Good Luck Sleeping After You Watch Tons Of Baby Spiders Burst Out Of Giant Spider Egg
Oh God.
I think Stacey Benson’s comment on Facebook is pretty much my response to this video as well.
Photo: Facebook
I don’t know, Stacey. I don’t know. Just look at this thing that we are confronted with.
Photo: Facebook
You can’t sleep after that. And Noel Parminter, owner of Auswise Pest Control, had this to tell BuzzFeed.
“The views have just gone crazy… people are saying all sorts of things from ‘I’m burning my house down’ to ‘Oh my God why did you tag me in this now I won’t be able to sleep.”
Well, I think the owners of the house know what to do now.
More terror: Nothing To See Here Other Than A Few Hundred Honey Bees Stinging A Fishing Spider To Death