10 TV Shows We Wish Would Be Made Into Movies After The Way They Ended Things

Photo: AMC

After seeing Entourage get the movie treatment, it became obvious to us that there are a few popular TV shows we’d like to see get made into movies after their terrible series finales. I mean, if Sex and the City can make a movie about four women getting drunk in public and making asses of themselves trying to act like adults, why can’t some of our favorite TV classics getting a proper reboot?

We know what you’re thinking: These shows ended the way they did for a reason, over and done with. But once far enough away to step back and see mistakes and ways they could have better ended their shows or upon realizing you handed the show off to the worst possible showrunner (Ahem, Dexter), maybe they’d like to take another stab at ending it right, just like Seinfeld did on Curb Your Enthusiasm. 

Have a look at our top picks for TV shows to get their own movie after the way they ended things, then give us your most offensive response possible, please and thank you.

10 TV Shows We Wish Would Be Made Into Movies After The Way They Ended Things 

And don’ miss this either: Ranking All the Characters We’re Glad Are Dead From ‘The Walking Dead’ After the Season 7 Finale

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