‘Ghost in the Shell’ Is Just One Of Many Popular Films Soaked With Whitewashed Characters

Photo: Paramount Pictures

Let’s be completely candid here: If you’re making an American movie and want it to do well, the safe bet might be to cast as many likable Caucasians as you can, right? The irony with so many of the whitewashed movies of American cinema is that their blatant disregard for ethnicity and authenticity in casting causes a lot of uproar amongst the average moviegoer.

Ghost in the Shell, a sexy anime adaptation bringing Scarlett Johansson back on the big screen, is just one of many popular films to whitewash its characters by bringing in white American actors to represent people of other cultures. But it’s not just Asian culture that takes a shot, as Mexican, African American and Indian roles are consistently getting reworked by white actors.

While directors from the days of Breakfast at Tiffany’s might haven’t had the luxury to correctly cast the roles as easily, today seems to be a different case, and people aren’t afraid to voice their disagreements with several recent hit films and their poor casting.

‘Ghost in the Shell’ Is Just One of Many Popular Films Soaked With Whitewashed Characters

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