Twitch Streamers Set to Earn a Lot More Money with New Subscriptions

Twitch streamers are set to learn a lot more money thanks to a new subscriptions system put in place by the streaming site, in which viewers will be able to pay their favorite streamers subscription fees of $9.99 and $24.99.

The two new payment methods are being offered up in order for Twitch streamers to receive more money from their followers in exchange for extra features, including new emotes and brand new subscriber roles. This new subscription system will be introduced in an opt-in beta that will be released “very soon,” with Twitch partners able to provide the site with feedback until its full launch.

The list of features available in these new subscriptions are as follows:

  • Send a custom message to the community upon first subscribing.
  • Access to additional emotes for $9.99 and $24.99 subs, if provided by a Partner.
  • Help a Partner unlock new emotes faster, as $9.99 subs are worth two subscriber counts and $24.99 subs are worth six subscriber counts. Combined with our revamped emote tiers, this means new emotes will be rolling out for communities even quicker!
  • Participate in new $9.99 and $24.99 subscriber roles based within the Twitch App, if offered by a Partner.

The new subscription options will be great news for streamers such as Summit1G, Twitch’s most popular user.

This new tiered subscription model brings Twitch closer in line with Patreon, which allows supporters of creators to pay them a monthly amount of their choosing in exchange for exclusive content. Along with earning money via advertisements, Twitch streamers also earn a lot of their revenue in donations and subscriptions, which have previously been limited to a $4.99 monthly fee. The new $9.99 and $24.99 options will work exactly the same as the $4.99 subscriptions, with them auto-renewing each month. They’ll be completely optional for the site’s partners, and will receive a full launch in the coming weeks.

This news comes as competitor YouTube is in the middle of its “Adpocalypse,” with many major advertisers pulling away from the site due to concern that their products are being linked with derogatory content. This move has caused many of the site’s most prominent creators complaining that their revenue has dropped considerably, with many now seeking viable alternatives to the site. PewDiePie, YouTube’s most popular video maker, recently set up a Twitch channel and moved over to the streaming site for the first time ever, leading many to suspect that more YouTubers could make the jump in the coming months.