Far Cry 5 Petition Says Game Should be Cancelled as it’s an “Insult to Americans”

A petition to cancel Far Cry 5 has been set up on Change.org, calling the game an “insult to Americans” that “make up [Ubisoft’s] main player base.”

The petition, which has been circulating on Twitter and Facebook all morning, has been set up by “Gamers United” and immediately criticizes Ubisoft’s “multicultural lectures” and their “preachy games aimed at degenerates and miscegenators.”

“Us Gamers have had to endure a lot of crap over the last few years,” the petition continues. “The targeted harassment by the mainstream press through Gamergate, the terrible launch and outright lies of highly anticipated video games, the outright censorship of art through “localization” policies, the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby, the appropriation of our culture by so-called “gamers” on twitter. NO MORE!”

Also: No, Far Cry 5 Isn’t About “Fighting Trump Supporters”

The petition goes on to suggest four ways in which Far Cry 5 can be redeemed: either Ubisoft alters the villains (“Even if you insist on making the villains American Christians, consider mixing the races a bit to not target white people exclusively”), alters the plot, or alters the setting (“for America, right now, Anti-Americanism is out. You gotta play your market. Change the setting to Canada for America”). “Follow one of more of these and this game will be saved from PC hell and multicultural development,” the petition concludes. “We Americans have so few games to call our own, and we’re tired of losing them to multi-cultural bullshit.”

Far Cry 5 received a lot of attention following its announcement as a result of its characters and setting, with the series moving to the US for the first time and focusing on a Christian extremist cult. The idea was quickly bandied about that the game was going to be politically charged, and that Ubisoft may have drawn inspiration from the fallout of Donald Trump’s US presidential campaign, though these suggestions seem to have been proven wrong by the game’s pre-release marketing.

Though it garnered plenty of attention online, the petition to cancel Far Cry 5 seems too far-fetched to be real. Though similar petitions have arisen in the past when a controversial game has reared its head, that this one ticks every “self-righteous gamer” box is more than a little suspicious. But regardless of whether or not this petition is penned by a sincere individual looking to save the game from “PC hell,” or if it’s a stab at satire mocking the outrage culture so prevalent among gamers, it’s highly unlikely that this will affect Ubisoft’s approach to Far Cry 5.

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