TV Reporter Fired After Insane Vicious Rant Is Caught On Video (NSFW Language)

Photo: PHI 17/Facebook Screenshot

Let’s all talk about 28-year-old Colleen Campbell. You see, Campbell used to be a TV reporter for PHI 17. We say “used to be,” because she has now been fired. And she can thank her ugly behavior that she displayed outside a comedy club called Helium.

The footage, recorded by New York City-based comedian Wil Sylvince, shows Campbell lose her mind after being kicked out of the club for “loud whispering.” Campbell does not hold back, as she verbally lashes into a Philadelphia cop who takes everything she gives him, as a man stands in between her and the cop. Campbell continues to lay into the cop even telling him to “lick her a–hole.”

And things take a turn when Campbell tries to spit on the manager, and that’s when she’s cuffed.

Take a look at the crazy video below thanks to Facebook.

Boy, that was ugly.

Campbell was arrested and charged with resisting arrest, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. But now Campbell is saying that she wants to apologize to the officer.

“That’s not me or how I talk or act or anything at all,” Campbell tells Philly Mag.“I don’t know what to do. I feel ruined and embarrassed for me and my family.”

Campbell also says she was fired over the phone after the video went viral.

“When I came home, I called my producer to talk about why I was absent,” Campbell explains. “I didn’t realize a video was out. I found out about it later because HR called me and said I was being terminated. They said there’s a video. I said, ‘What video?’”

Campbell also claims she only had two drinks, and thinks she may have been drugged at the club.

“Everything was foggy. I do remember coming in to Helium,” Campbell said. “I do remember getting into an altercation there, but I don’t remember what it was about. I only had two drinks at Helium.”

Campbell has deleted all of her social media accounts, and is now due in court on June 13.

h/t NY Post

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