Kid Gets Shirt Autographed, Completely Loses It

The Pittsburgh Penguins just won their second straight Stanley Cup. It’s a big deal for all the fans of Pittsburgh. It’s an even bigger deal if you’re a nine-year-old fan who got to meet the team captain while they returned to the city with the Cup.

We have no idea who this kid is, or even if he is in fact nine-years-old, but it’s a precious moment any true sports fan can appreciate it.

After the team landed in Pittsburgh with the Cup, this little boy was being interviewed by a local news station. He got emotional when talking about getting his shirt signed by star captain Sidney Crosby. When asked why? …

“It’s the best day of my life.”

Yup, we all get it, buddy. If nine-year-old Josh met Michael Jordan he would have had a complete melt down … Or while meeting Kelly Kapowski.

On another note, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a kid-fan in Pittsburgh display incredible passion. Remember this guy? Or the Pens “Buckle Up” baby from three years ago? They start ’em young in Pittsburgh, evidently.

Josh Helmuth is the editor of Crave Sports.

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