The Yankees Catcher Took A Foul Ball To The Family Jewels And The Entire World Cringed

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The New York Yankees won a thrilling Wild Card playoff game over the Minnesota Twins Tuesday night. But instead of the monster Aaron Judge home run or the locker room champagne celebration, everyone was simply talking about how Gary Sanchez survived the shot of his life.

Yup. The Yankees catcher took a David Robertson fast ball to the groin after the ball barely grazed Brian Dozier’s bat.

Of course Robertson himself reacted the same way the rest of America did.

Fans immediately started pouring out on Twitter, mostly with jokes, of course.

My take? Sanchez deserves an award for staying in the game after such a blow. Even better? He let everyone know he was OK on Wednesday.

Gary, you’re a real-life Super Man.

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Josh Helmuth is the editor of Crave Sports and a contributor for Mandatory.