This Basketball Fan Wins Halloween For Best Sports Costume

Photo: Reddit

The newly renovated Boston Celtics’ excitement for the 2017-2018 season deflated within seconds of the opening tipoff just two weeks ago after their star acquisition Gordon Hayward went down with a gruesome ankle injury.

He didn’t twist it.

And it was more than a break.

Take this as a fair warning. If you haven’t seen Gordo’s injury yet, it’s not easy to stomach.

This is the reason people are still talking about his bad break.

And the infamous close-up view via the TV camera.

That’s a full dislocation of the ankle and a broken tibia, folks. All because he landed awkwardly coming down from an attempted rebound.

Thankfully, Hayward, although lengthy, is expected to make a full recovery.

Taking the injury to new heights is Charlotte basketball fan Justin Caskey, who, according to his friend who posted the pic below, lost his leg to cancer.

However, you know what they say — lose a leg and gain immense opportunity for Halloween stardom.

Here’s Caskey’s Halloween costume.

Photo: Reddit

Caskey made a ‘Hayward’ Celtics jersey, threw on some sneaks and turned his prosthetic left leg in order to emulate Hayward’s injury.

Some fans think it’s way too soon, feeling the ‘costume’ is inappropriate. Caskey feels otherwise.


“I was watching the game when Hayward got injured, and after the initial shock, I thought it wouldn’t be difficult to adjust my prosthetic to look like the injury,” the Hornets fan said, adding that his intentions were never negative.

If I wasn’t so sure that Hayward would rehab back and be as good, if not better, I wouldn’t have done the costume. I mean, when you realize what it takes physically and mentally to make it that far in a sport, you have to realize that this injury won’t keep that guy down.”

Caskey also said that he tries to find comedy in most everything and that he tries to incorporate being an amputee into his Halloween costume every year.

There’s gotta be a Walking Dead opportunity somewhere.

Take a look at these costumes now: The Return Of Single Losers Halloween: Easy Costumes For Solo Suckers In 2017

Josh Helmuth is the editor of Crave Sports and a contributor for Mandatory.