Dude Barely Gets Any Lip Action While On Kiss-Cam And Now He’s Being Roasted

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I’m sure many people reading this have been rejected before when they try to go in for a kiss. But something tells me that not many people have been denied in front of thousands of fans. Well that’s exactly what happened to one poor dude.

Last night during the Orlando Magic versus Los Angeles Clippers game (a game in which the Magic of course lost) the kiss-cam started up and showed various people around the arena in Florida. Well, there was one pair that people on the internet are talking about. And that’s mainly because this dude barely got any action and therefore is making everyone cringe.

Have a look!

Man, that’s rough to watch. And the internet was quick to roast this poor lad.

Better luck next time, fella.

And speaking of having no luck at all: Just Another Guy Who Has Been Brutally Friendzoned To The Max

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