Wannabe Virginia Reporter Accidentally Solves Arson Case On Facebook Live

Screenshot: YouTube/Rhoda Young

This woman has a bright future, everyone.

Rhoda Young, a wannabe reporter, recently decided to let her Facebook audience see her “reporting” from the scene of a house fire in Norfolk. And guess what? Young actually solves who started the fire before any of the pros do. In the middle of filming, Young finds a dude sitting on some grass across the street from the burning house. And he of course is drinking a can of beer.

Young finds out that he’s the owner of the house that is on fire, but when Young asks him how did the fire get started the man replies with an, “I don’t know.” Eventually Young realizes that this guy’s face and hair have been burnt, and well, she starts putting the pieces together.

Have a look at the video below!

Here’s what Young tells her audience:

“The owner of the house was upstairs when the fire started… Doing my investigation, I have now discovered his motherf*****g hair was on fire, and his pants is burned off his damn leg.

So he was right there when the fire started, and he got a six pack of goddamn PBR. So now I gotta figure out how he start that fire.”

Even though Young is brushed off when she tries to tell authorities, the man is eventually arrested. His name? Donald William Stricker III.

Authorities learned that Stricker’s fire displaced two adults and three children, but fortunately no one was hurt. No reason yet as to why in the hell Stricker started the fire. We’ll let Young have the final word.

“I did solve the crime before the fire marshal got on the scene. Whether or not they want to give me gratitude or tell me thank you, but guess what, I know I did my job.

I did the best job I could do, and if the fire marshal can at least say: ‘Thank you, Rhoda Young, for solving this crime and making our job easier’, it would be truly appreciated.”

We’ll give you kudos, Rhoda Young. We’ll give you all the kudos.


RIP career: Aspiring Weatherman Starts Forest Fire Just So He Can Report On It Himself

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