railway tracks on background of scenery

Teen With Headphones On Hit By Train And He’s Somehow Still Alive

Photo: Borirak (Getty)

If you’re of those people that enjoys walking with music blasting in your ears, just know that there are outside forces you have to keep an eye (and an ear) out for. Things like cars, crazy people yelling religious sermons at you, bike messengers and oh yeah, moving trains. And one teen learned that the hard way.

An 18-year-old man arrived in Kemerovo, Russia, from Leninsk-Kuznetsky in order to visit a friend. He was walking with his headphones on and because of that he did not hear the sound of the approaching train. He didn’t even hear the loud signals the train conductor was giving. While the train did apply the emergency breaks it was a tad too late.

Here’s what happened:

Teen With Headphones On Hit By Train And He’s Somehow Still Alive

And guess what? This lucky bloke actually survived.

The teen was rushed to the hospital where it is reported he received a concussion, as well as fractured legs and ribs. That’s right, folks, he’s alive and he got to keep all of his limbs. Here’s hoping the collusion knocked some sense into him, too.

Get up, dust yourself off: Dude Gets Hit By Double Decker Bus, Quickly Gets Up And Enters Bar


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