- Jessica Alba in FHM [A Socialite’s Life]
- Carmen Electra’s marriage is on the rocks [Hollywood Rag]
- Osbournes so fresh and so clean at the Rock and Roll HOF [City Rag]
- Another dose of Stacy Keibler [Hollywood Tuna]
- Stills from Jessica Alba‘s new movie, “Awake” [Just Jared]
- Mischa Barton‘s gonna be nekkid in her next movie [Egotastic]
- Stink like Britney [Popsugar]
- “We’re all nuts for The Real World’s MJ.” (NSFW) [College Humor]
- James Brown was loaded during this interview [Daily Sixer]
- “And You Thought Your Last Vacation Sucked” [Pajiba]
- Narain might score $3 million for humping Farrell [Best Week Ever Blog]
- South Park‘s Matt and Trey on Letterman [Best Week Ever Blog]
- Chuck Norris reads Chuck Norris facts [Yeeeah]
- Shannon Elizabeth gets served [D Listed]

Can HBO’s epic fantasy series finally have a breakthrough year at the Emmys?