- Baby Suri “Tomkitten” Cruise locked and blocked up [Just Jared]
- Eminem hits rock bottom [Hollywood Rag]
- It’s back to rehab for Whitney Houston [A Socialite’s Life]
- Nick Lachey almost calls Jessica a slut [Popsugar]
- Howard Stern likes Rosie O’Donnell now?! [City Rag]
- Avril Lavigne and her hair extensions are so punk [Hollywood Tuna]
- Kylie Minogue‘s post-cancer recovery [Egotastic]
- Mandy Moore making out with Sarah Chalke on Scrubs [College Humor]
- Dolly Parton marries Hulk Hogan [Daily Sixer]
- “I Touched a Guy’s Pajiba at Hebrew School Once” [Pajiba]
- Does Gene Simmons wear a wig? [D Listed]