Ashley Judd Doesn’t Like Rap

With her movie career in the dust, Ashley Judd had time to write a book that garnered attention for her mentioning sexual abuse. Oh, and Snoop. From Radar Online:

Ashley Judd has spoken out over the backlash she received following her ‘hip-hop rape culture’ comments, insisting she has no beef with the rap community.

As first reported, Judd slammed the likes of P Diddy and Snoop Dog in her controversial memoir All That Is Bitter And Sweet, for their “abusive lyrics and depictions of girls and women as ho’s”.

But in an interview with website Global Grind she insists her comments were not meant to insult anyone.

“My intention was to support artists to know that they have so much power,” she told music mogul Russell Simmons. “They make incredible life changing impressions, particularly on the young. And we have choices everyday with our expressions, either empower and celebrate people or to re-enforce inequality and degradation.

“There are elements, and that is the part that has been so distorted, what I’m being accused of is condemning rap and hip-hop as a whole, and the whole community and when they say community, they mean the fans, and African-Americans, it’s become so generalized.

“My intention was to take a stand to say the elements of that musical expression that are misogynistic and treat girls and women in a hyper-sexualized way that are inappropriate. That is not acceptable in any artistic expression, in any cultural form, whether its country music or in television story lines. And if they read more than one paragraph in the book, they would see that all four hundred pages are about that.”

I can’t remember a Snoop lyric that ever even implied rape. As far as I understand, paying consenting, scantily clad adults to dance in your videos isn’t quite the same as slipping GHB into their Henny or pinning them down in a bathroom. Why? Because it’s a choice. You can rape a woman without her consent, but no one can degrade a woman in a rap video without her consent.

I can’t remember a Diddy lyric that ever implied rape, either, but that’s also because I have decent taste and can’t remember any Diddy lyrics at all.

Selita Ebanks appeared in a rap video, but it was for a gay fish, so I’m guessing she didn’t get assaulted. All images via WENN.