Michael Shannon Is General Zod

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So remember when I said “might“? Yeah, it’s official now. Michael Shannon is the villain in Superman: Man Of Steel. THR reports:

Warners Bros. announced Sunday that Shannon, who received an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor for Revolutionary Road for his performance as a mentally-troubled man and who has also been seen as a stern federal agent in HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, has been cast as Superman’s nemesis. “Zod is not only one of Superman’s most formidable enemies, but one of the most significant because he has insights into Superman that others don’t. Michael is a powerful actor who can project both the intelligence and the malice of the character, making him perfect for the role,” Snyder said. Zod, like Superman, is from Krypton, where he commanded its armed forces. The character appeared in both 1978’s Superman and its 1980 sequel Superman II, where he was played by actor Terence Stamp.

Much like Gary Oldman, even when he’s not playing someone batshit crazy, you fully expect Michael Shannon to bite the head off a squirrel then cover himself in peanut butter mid-sentence at any point during one of his movies. So, basically what I’m saying is, I’m cool with this. Also, when this movie comes out, I can start going up to random chicks and saying, “Kneel before Todd!“. I can’t wait! I know all those women are gonna love it!

He’s not well:

He’s really not well: