Scientology Investigated Trey Parker And Matt Stone

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Marty Rathbun, a former Scientology executive who defected in 2004, says Scientology’s Office of Special Affairs launched a full investigation into South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone after they completely shredded The Church of Scientology in the classic, 2005 episode, “Trapped in the Closet.” No, Scientology isn’t crazy. Not crazy at all.

The following internal Corporate Scientology memorandum is being published as part of a series that exposes the standard operating pattern and methodologies of the Office of Special Affairs (OSA – the harassment and terror network of Corporate Scientology). Hubbard once noted the truism that that which one knows the technology of he cannot be the adverse effect of. So it behooves those who have decided to expose and reform the beast to know a little about the tactics it employs to combat such efforts. To this day OSA operates mainly on Cold War era intelligence and propaganda techniques much like those of the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, and STASI of the fifties and sixties. Their main activity entails stifling criticism by an escalating gradient of techniques beginning with quiet investigation and moving up to infiltration, identification of and use of influential friends and contacts of the target, loud investigation, threats, attempts to harm the target financially, intense propaganda to discredit and ultimately, if all else fails, utter destruction of the target through overt harassment. While in this age of information many OSA operations result in epic failures, the well-heeled – if desperate – cult continues to muzzle many a would-be reformer and news agency. In ’06 the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, became targets of Corporate Scientology’s OSA. Operations were run in an attempt to silence Parker and Stone. While Corporate Scientology was ultimately unsuccessful, left behind an instructive data trail during their efforts.

You can read the actual document over at Marty Rathbun’s blog here, but please understand that it will be the most paranoid, batshit thing you will read all day. I’d rather take a drink from Jim Jones or visit a house with Charles Manson than step foot anywhere near the Church of Scientology. Well, except that time I went to Gelson’s. I was out of beer, so it was kind of an emergency.

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