Adele Made A Resort Employee Drive 140 Miles To Get Her Pizza That She Didn’t Eat

Let the story about Adele explain how people get cum in their food. 

ADELE sent a flunkey at a posh country retreat on a 140-mile round trip to grab her a pizza. The hungry superstar, 28, did not even eat it. She fell asleep before the takeaway — from near where she lives — was delivered four hours later.  A source at the luxury Cotswolds haven where Adele was staying with her partner and three-year-old son Angelo said: “It was still in the box when the maid came next morning.” Rolling in the Deep singer Adele phoned room service at 11pm to order pizza. But she spurned those cooked on site at the 100-acre Soho Farmhouse resort north of Oxford. The source said: “She was told they had the best ovens. But she insisted that staff fetch the pizza from her local company.”

It was hard to believe this story at first, since Adele was in the general proximity of a pizza and didn’t eat it, but I guess ordering pizza makes her a more relatable Taylor Swift. Evil, yet fat.