JJ Abrams Says Mark Hamill Is Gonna Win An Oscar For ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’


Guys, apparently Mark Hamill’s performance in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is so good JJ Abrams thinks he should win an Oscar.

“Star Wars” filmmaker J.J. Abrams doesn’t know who’s going to win the Academy Award for best actor on Sunday, but he predicts Mark Hamill will be in the running next year after “The Last Jedi” hits theaters. “I think we are all going to be very upset if he does not win an Oscar, and no one more upset than Mark,” he told us at the Oscar Wilde Awards in L.A., which supports the U.S. Ireland Alliance.

It’s unclear if Abrams is trolling Hamill with an ego lens flare or not, but I think the world would be a better place for a while if the dude who played Luke Skywalker takes home an Academy Award. Before we argue about this, please note that Gwyneth Paltrow and Three 6 Mafia have one. And that one dude who made a black and white, silent movie a few years ago. What the fuck was that about. Get outta here.

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