Joel Osteen Said He Just Was Waiting To Be Asked To Shelter Hurricane Harvey Vicitms


Joel Osteen, seen here waiting to yell at Smithers, appeared on Today to defend his decision to delay sheltering the Houston victims of Hurricane Harvey. Just turns out nobody asked him! Totally understand, bro.

“[The city] didn’t need us as shelter then,” Osteen said. “We coordinate with them all the time. If we needed to be a shelter, we certainly would’ve been a shelter right when they first asked.” He added, “We work very closely with the city. Four miles down the road, the city established its biggest shelter with rooms for thousands. With beds, kitchen supplies — everything they need. Security. … Once they filled up, never dreaming we’d have this many displaced people, they asked us to become a shelter. And we said, ‘Hey, we’d love to be a shelter. That’s what Lakewood is all about.’ ”

I appreciate how Joel Osteen just destroyed the entire concept of Libertarianism in a 5 minute video. Good work. I also appreciate how people on Twitter believe they made this happen. I assume people who give Osteen money every month are still gonna give him money every month, and if he surrounded Lakewood Church with the Lannister Army and killed displaced victims wandering in the parking lot, he’ll still need UPS truck to bring him all his checks. You guys keep fucking around on Twitter and Joel is gonna bring out his ice dragon.