Photo: Amblin Entertainment
Mandatory’s 7 Movies That Didn’t Live Up to Their Hype focuses on movies that we really wanted to be good but just didn’t deliver.
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Maybe it was just more about these films not fulfilling our expectations rather than them being bad. On second thought, some of them were really terrible.
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7 Movies That Did Not Live Up to their Hype
The beloved comic book anti-hero finally got his own standalone movie...with Tom Hardy nonetheless. What could go wrong? Two words: "Dick tongue."
Photo: Columbia Pictures
'Ready Player One'
Steven Spielberg was supposed to have the "cheat code" that would finally bring Ernest Cline's fanboy classic to life. The legendary director delivers on the fantastical visuals but the convoluted plot fails to connect on any level beyond nostalgia.
Photo: Warner Bros.
'Death Wish'
Do we really need to cheer on an angry middle-aged white man with a gun at the movies? More like "Tone Deaf" than Death Wish.
Photo: MGM
'A Wrinkle in Time'
Director Ava DuVernay’s nonsensical (read: bad) CGI-heavy adaptation should only be required viewing if you have to do a book report and don’t have time to read the beloved children’s classic.
Photo: Walt Disney Pictures
Even some of the worst "bad movies" are so bad that they're good. Gotti is just plain bad, earning an unheard-of 0 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.
Photo: Vertical Pictures
'Incredibles 2'
Incredibles 2 is by no means a bad movie; it's just an unneeded sequel, especially after 14 years.
Photo: Pixar
'Oceans 8'
A female-led take on Oceans 11 was not only expected but needed in this #MeToo era. Unfortunately for Sandra Bullock and company, Widows does it much better than this cookie cutter caper.
Photo: Warner Bros.