
RANKED! The Most Convincing Actors to Play Jesus

Photo: See-Saw Films

Jesus has risen again! This time it’s in a movie and Hollywood chameleon Joaquin Phoenix is playing the role. But how does he stack up against the competition? When asked to heal a woman’s eyes as Jesus did in the Bible, he refused, saying that throwing mud in someone’s eyes was cruel. Um, Joaquin…WWJD?

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Mudslinging aside, Joaquin is perhaps the perfect gentleman to play the son of God in a movie whose story is told from the perspective of Mary Magdalene (not the prostitute the Pope would have you believe). The jury is out on how Catholics will receive a modern, feminist retelling of their beloved resurrection story, but one thing is certain: Phoenix delivers an enlightened performance as one-third of the holy trinity. Here’s how he ranks against the other great Jesuses of cinema history.

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