The Smurf School For Living Like a Genuine Badass in the ‘Animal Kingdom’

If you’re all caught up on this week’ Animal Kingdom (spoilers ahead!), then you know the queen is dead. TNT’s biggest badass matriach, Janine Cody, met her demise after a quick and brutal brush with cancer in season 4 of the Sons of Anarchy meets Oceans 11 California family heist drama. So it’s with great sadness (but ultimately rage-filled vigor) that we present her legacy: The Smurf School For Living Like a Genuine Badass. Donations can be made to sad school, of which she’d likely tell you to “shove it up your ass” if she were still with us.

But first: The David Silver 90210 Master Class to Dancing in Public

Mandatory Movie Battles: Tarantino’s ‘Pulp Fiction’ v. ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’

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