Kanye West

RANKED! Kanye West Albums (Including ‘Jesus Is King’)

Say what you will about Kanye West – he’s creatively impulsive, he’s a controversy magnet, he’s a mercurial egomaniac – one thing is undeniable: the man can make music. While not every album the rapper has put out over the course of his high-profile career has been astounding, he is a master of reinvention, meaning he never gets pigeon-holed and fans never get bored. And if you can see past his overinflated ego (a difficult undertaking, we know), you’ll find some of the most brutally honest, and cloyingly clever, lyrics in hip-hop history paired with groundbreaking production. In honor of West’s latest album, Jesus Is King, we took a look back at his catalog and ranked the albums of what might indeed be the “unquestionably, undoubtedly, the greatest human artist of all time.” (His words, of course.)

Cover Photo: Timothy Norris / Contributor (Getty Images)

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