best biopics of the 2010s

Mandatory Top 10 of the 2010s: The Best Biopics of the Decade

Throughout the annals of Hollywood history, the biopic has undoubtedly remained a mainstay. From the early ’40s and onward, the genre has proven to bring a wealth of compelling stories to the big screen, offering once-in-a-lifetime roles for actors and actresses alike. Although biopics have historically provided a dramatic proving ground for the actors who portray them, the 2010s have seen an explosion in the number of biopics that are made every year. From films about public figures that remain incredibly influential to those about the personalities that history nearly forgot, here are some of the best biopics of the 2010s.

Cover Photo: Netflix

True stories galore: The 20 Best Biopics of the 21st Century

Small budget, big impact: 10 Incredible Indie Movies You Might’ve Missed This Year

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