
Ranked! The 7 Greatest Requels of the Last Decade (Also, What’s a Requel?)

In the age of movie sequels, reboots, and re-imaginings, movies that harness nostalgia and recognizability seem to be the only things that studios are interested in making these days. In the past decade, however, a new sub-genre of this trend has emerged — The Requel (reboot/sequel). Also referred to as a Legasequel (legacy sequel) or a Seboot (Sequel/Reboot), these terms are all synonymous with this ongoing trend in Hollywood.

But what is a requel, you ask? A legacy sequel is a film that follows the continuity of the original franchise but takes place many years after the original. A requel often focuses on new characters, while bringing original characters back to hand off the franchise baton. While the first notable instance of a Requel was all the way back in the 80s with The Color of Money, the passage of time has created some pretty amazing Requels in the past decade. Here are the best of the best.

Cover Photo: Warner Bros.
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