Ubisoft: Watch Dogs Will Be a Huge Deal

If you look at the next couple months of releases, there isn’t much in-store, but there is this one game we’ve all heard about one way or another. That game is Watch Dogs, and it’s a game Ubisoft is betting will send a shockwave through the industry.

Speaking to MCV, junior brand manager of Ubisoft Wayne Greenwell shared his anticipation for Watch Dogs. He said:

With Watch Dogs, Ubisoft is building a new blockbuster brand to stand alongside other top tier triple-A titles and we expect it to be not only one of the best selling new IPs in recent memory, but also one of the best selling titles throughout 2014.

Now, it is his job to hype up the release of Watch Dogs. Nonetheless, it’s a game that Ubisoft has invested heavily into, and won more than a handful of Best of E3 2013 awards.

The game’s six month delay has given it ample time to build up an arsenal of game content. It’s also afforded its development team at Ubisoft Montreal the opportunity to make the game look and perform better on next-gen consoles.

With a release of May 27th, Watch Dogs is undoubtedly the most exciting game of May.

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