You Just Wouldn’t Understand How Great ‘Emo Kylo Ren’ Is

As everyone who saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens last weekend knows – and statistically speaking, that’s definitely you – Kylo Ren is a new kind of Star Wars villain. He may have a familiar-looking helmet and robotized voice, but this isn’t a Dark Lord of the Sith who’s in control of his powers, or even his emotions. He’s obsessed with Darth Vader (who’s obviously just misunderstood), and prone to the kind of emotional spasms that only a teenager truly understands. And he only seems to have one friend, General Hux, who has his own weird and whiny obsessions.

So something like the new Twitter account “Emo Kylo Ren” (@KyloR3n) was probably inevitable, but even we’re surprised that it’s this good. Sure, it’s funny, but it’s starting to weave a subtle high school narrative that makes Kylo Ren and Hux seem like Slytherin kids who miraculously found each other. If you didn’t feel for the guy before, you might just love him now. Or at least get a couple of good chuckles at his expense.

Exclusive Video: Most Craved | Star Wars Spoiler Review!

Let’s give you a quick crash course in everything emo, everything Kylo, and everything Ren. Here are the twenty best tweets to emerge from Emo Kylo Ren so far. Spoiler Warning: Some of these jokes only make sense if you’ve already seen the film, and could potentially give away a few of the movie’s twists.